Dist - Thane, Maharashtra - 421003 | DTE Code: 3039 | MSBTE Code: 0189

Prin. K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic is located in Ulhasnagar. It is near to Ulhasnagar railway station on the Central Railway Line between Kalyan Junction and Ambernath & by road from Kalyan, providing easy connectivity with all areas of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Raigad.

The major infrastructural facilities on the institute include lecture halls with multimedia equipment and LCD projectors, well developed laboratories, machine room, instrument room, a resourceful library, modern computer lab and a Model Pharmacy set up.
Lecture Halls
The institute has 2 classrooms are equipped with multimedia and audio-visual aids to facilitate effective learning and to promote maximum interaction between faculty and the students.

The Institute houses 4 spacious laboratories, 1instruments room and 1 machine room.

Computer Lab
Computer lab is equipped with multimedia computers and internet facility. MOOCS facility has been made available in it.

Library & Reading Room

The library of the college is located in a 153-Sq.m. spacious hall. It is well stocked with text books, reference books, 15 periodicals, 311 volumes Journals out of which are 123 National Journals & 188 are International Journals. It is managed through e-Granthalaya software.
Apart from this as a result of our faculty’s international interaction, this institute has received Large number of books on Drug Information (latest edition) worth about Rs.50 Lakhs in kind from Facts & Comparison, Missouri, USA through Pharmabridge, Switzerland. Copies of books are being shared with various institutions and organisations in India.
We also received 666 books of latest edition of British National Formulary from Commonwealth Pharmacist Association, London U.K., Every year a large number of books & journals are added to the collection regularly.
The E-library aims to facilitate production and dissemination of knowledge, information insights and intellectual contribution in all areas of education among the academic community.
The Library is open for the students between 9.30 a.m. to 5.40 p.m. on all working days. The seating capacity of library is for 66 students. Library also provides a separate reading room for staff & faculty.
Library is registered with NAD
Internet Facility: - Two multimedia computers are made available with internet facilities to students.
Photocopying Facility: - Photocopying Facility is made available for students at nominal charge. Library welcomes visits for referencing by pharmacy professionals from industry other institutes, FDA etc. Library also maintains various files for papers, syllabus, conference proceedings, student seminars etc.
Model Pharmacy

The institute has unique Model Pharmacy. Each year, practicals are conducted for S Y D Pharm under Pharmacology, at Model Pharmacy to give idea of Good Pharmacy Practices to the budding pharmacists. Students are introduced to parts of model pharmacy, GPP Training Manual of IPA/WHO/CDSCO and to different drug license forms displayed in model pharmacy.
Seminar Hall
The institute has a spacious air conditioned Seminar Hall with a seating capacity for about 200 individuals. It provides a great platform for organising seminars, conferences, workshops and also hosting many extracurricular programs for the students.
Medicinal Garden

The institute has developed 80 sq.m. Medicinal garden which comprises of number of medicinal plants to help the students to study pharmacognosy.
The campus has amenities for the students which include Boys Common Room, Girls Common Room, Canteen, Indoor Game facilities and a big play ground to organise various sport events.