Prin. K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic
(Govt.Aided) CHM Campus, UlhasnagarDist - Thane, Maharashtra - 421003 | DTE Code: 3039 | MSBTE Code: 0189

Avg. result of last three years
Diploma in Pharmacy is post HSC (Science) two years full time course. The syllabus is prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India and available on pci.nic.in. and Maharashtra State Board of Technical Examinations conducts examinations (msbte.org.in) and awards Diploma to students.
Academic & Activity Calendar for the Year 2019-2020
Starting of First Term (S.Y.D.Pharm) | 24/06/2019 |
Starting of First Term (F.Y.D.Pharm.) | As per DTE Schedule |
Nomination of Students Council Members | 2nd week of July 2019 |
First Sessional Improvement Test | 4th week of Aug. 2019 |
First Internal Institute Monitoring | 3rd week of Sept. 2019 |
Second Sessional Improvement Test | 4th week of Sept. 2019 |
First Sessional Test (Practical) | 07/10/2019 TO 12/10/2019 |
First Sessional Test (Theory) | 14/10/2019 TO 19/10/2019 |
Winter Break | 21/10/2019 TO 09/11/2019 |
M.S.B.T.E. Winter 2019 Practical Examination | 14/10/2019 TO 22/10/2019 |
M.S.B.T.E. Winter 2019 Theory Examination | 14/11/2019 TO 05/12/2019 |
Second Term | 11/11/2019 TO 27/3/2020 |
Industrial Visit /Hospital Visit | 3rd - 4th week of Nov- 2019 |
College Week | 02/12/2019 TO 07/12/2019 |
Seminar/Project Presentation | 09/12/2019 |
Second Sessional Test (Practical) | 06/1/2020 TO 11/1/2020 |
Second Sessional Test (Theory) | 13/1/2020 TO 18/1/2020 |
Annual Prize Distribution Programme | 01/02/2020 |
Filling Summer-2020 Examination Forms with normal fees | 23/01/2020 to 01/02/2020 |
Filling Summer-2020 Examination Forms with normal fees plus late fee of Rs.200/- | 07/02/2020 to 10/02/2020 |
Filling Summer-2020 Examination Forms with normal fees plus penalty Rs.1500/- | 12/02/2020 TO 14/02/2020 |
Second Internal Institute Monitoring | 2nd week of Feb. 2020 |
External Institute Monitoring | 4th week of Feb. 2020 |
Third Sessional Test (Practical) | 09/3/2020 TO 14/3/2020 |
Third Sessional Test (Theory) | 16/3/2020 TO 21/3/2020 |
M.S.B.T.E.Summer 2020 Practical Examination | 31/3/2020 TO 09/4/2020 |
M.S.B.T.E.Summer 2020 Theory Examination | 16/4/2020 TO 07/5/2020 |
Result of Summer 2020 Exam. | 2nd week of June 2020 |
Other activities conducted during the year: Expert Lectures, Career fair, Various Health Days, Pharmacist Day, Reading Inspiration Day, Yoga Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Tree Plantation.
Date: 18/06/2019