Dist - Thane, Maharashtra - 421003 | DTE Code: 3039 | MSBTE Code: 0189

"Work is worship" and "There is no shortcut to success" have been my beliefs and KMKPP has been my karmabhumi since 1996. The institute, founded way back in 1971 by Vidyasagar Late Prin.K.M Kundnani, has come up as a premier gateway for the pharmacy profession, and is one of the most reputable institutes imparting quality pharmacy education. Our management,HSNCB, has been very encouraging and in the entire journey of the institute, we are blessed with unstinted support extended by our Trustees. I humbly acknowledge the contributions of all former Principals and all former faculty as well. I also take this opportunity to thank Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra for their consistent support.
Excellent academic discipline, top rankers at MSBTE examinations, dedicated faculty and support staff, consistent interaction with pharma industry, retail and hospital sectors and high-achieving alumni are some of the salient features of the institute. Several socio-professional initiatives and superb local-global networking makes the institute vibrant and has created an inspiring atmosphere for students.Attention is paid to the holistic development of students, and the institute acts as an Agent of change in their lives, shaping young minds into competent pharmacists and responsible citizens.Students learn with zeal and bonding that students develop with the institute in just 2 years often lasts for a life time. No wonder we have to our creditrare honors of getting accreditation by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for 5 years.
Change is the only constant, but unfortunately our curriculum hasn’t changed for many years; that has not stopped us from keeping our teaching updated to keep pace with time. From Making the Medicines to Making Medicines Work, pharmacist plays a significant role. To inculcate a patient-centric approach and to increase the practice relevance of the curriculum,at KMKPP we use innovative active learning techniquessuch as Role Play method in Model Pharmacy. Students are introduced to Good Pharmacy Practices and patient counselling. Young energies of students are channelized to spread awareness about Responsible Use of medicines in the community is another innovative activity. It’s a matter of pride that the institute shoulders social responsibility and has been active in Community pharmacy and public health projects, continuing professional development activities for practicing pharmacists, and skill development courses.Such initiatives make KMKPP unique and visible among other institutions.
When asked how you will describe your alma mater, one of our eminent alumni said,
KMK is a brand, it is Knowledge, Motivation and Knowledge….
What better testimony could any institute hope for? My sincere gratitude to all those who contribute to the KMK brand.
On behalf of entire KMKPP team,
In your service,
Mrs Manjiri Sandeep Gharat
I/C Principal