Dist - Thane, Maharashtra - 421003 | DTE Code: 3039 | MSBTE Code: 0189

Manjiri S.Gharat, M.Pharm (Pharmacology), FFIP (Fellow of FIP)
• I/C Principal at Prin.K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic, Ulhasnagar,India
Honorary Leadership Positions:
- Vice-President and Chairperson, Community Pharmacy Division of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) from year 2012 ; 1st Woman VP of IPA in its 75 plus years
- Vice-President, Community Pharmacy Section of International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)2012-16 -20
- Project Leader, IPA’s DOTS TB Pharmacist Project (Public Private Partnership project) since year 2005 ,initiated this PPP Pharmacists model in TB in Mumbai and has taken it to national level
- Project leader, IPA’s Campaign for Awareness on Responsible Use of Medicines (CARUM) since year 2014
- Received an International Award :Fellow of International Pharmaceutical Federation (FFIP),received this honors for contribution to pharmacy profession, in August 2016 at Buenos Aires during FIP Congress
- Received “Ishidate Award” from Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations(FAPA) for contribution to community pharmacy,in October 2018 at Manila during FAPA Congress
- Resource faculty /Coordinator for training of practicing pharmacists at national and international level
- Member of 2 National Core Committees of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
a) National Core Committee, Retail Pharmacies in National TB Programme (RNTCP), Central TB Division
b) National Advisory Committee for Engaging community pharmacists in Pharmacovigilance - Inspector for Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) to inspect pharmacy institutes across India
- Invitee Member of different committees of PCI for Diploma in Pharmacy Education Pharma (Pharmacy practice) course, Antibiotic Resistance Prevention committee and Online Refresher Course Committee etc
- Pharma Columnist on consumer of medicine awareness and health related issues, author of book “Aushadhbhaan”
Along with the full time job in academics, working consistently since year 2002 in area of community (retail) pharmacy and consumer education. Works with all sectors: academia, chemist associations, Govt authorities, regulators, pharmacy councils, corporate sector, media, and professional associations.
Enrolled as one of the TB Team Experts for Public-Private Mix projects with WHO STOP TB Department, Geneva.
Main interest is to improve medicine literacy in the community, professionalize retail pharmacy practice, implement Good Pharmacy Practices and engage pharmacists in public health activities. Works all across India and at international level. Has extensive local and global network.
Started innovative campaign ‘Aushadhsaksharta” (Medicine literacy) to improve the medicine usage by the consumers since year 2008.Write regularly in leading newspapers on correct use of medicines and a book Aushadhbhaan is published and has been very popular.Also uses TV and Radio media effectively for consumer education.
Has been known for innovations in teaching pharmacy students. Involves students in various public health projects. Has been well liked faculty for budding and practicing pharmacists
Invited speaker and panelist at several international and national conferences regularly. Visited several countries for professional work
Recipient of several awards from professional, social organizations for her dedicated socio-professional work as well as from her own college management.
Appreciated by media as “Woman on a Mission” (Hindustan Times, 2007)