Dist - Thane, Maharashtra - 421003 | DTE Code: 3039 | MSBTE Code: 0189

To become Centre of Excellence and leading Educational Institution imparting and ensuring high quality Technical Education providing competitive, ethical, knowledgeable, skilful and qualified health care Professionals (pharmacists) to serve all sections of society and humanity at large.
We intend to make this institution the CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE in Pharmacy Education and contribute to upgrade the Pharmacy Profession by way of continuing Education Programmes for Practicing Pharmacists to orient them to GOOD PHARMACY PRACTICES. We strive to give honest and competent pharmacists having ethical values to serve the society in the best possible manner so that they can play significant role in Public Health System.
- Accreditation by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) from 2007 to 2012
- Received MODROB Grant thrice from AICTE
- Selected by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India for Community Development Though Polytechnic (CDTP)scheme since year 2003
- Approved by: All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi And Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi
- Affiliated to: Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State and Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
- Excellent Local Global networking with faculty receiving 2 prestigious international awards in Pharmacy
This premier institution is managed by Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board and was founded by our great leader Late Vidyasagar Prin. K. M. Kundnani to run Degree and Diploma in Pharmacy together in the year 1971 at Ulhasnagar. The examination conducting body initially was Poona University and then shifted to Bombay University and finally to the present Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai. The degree course shifted to Worli premises in the year 1982 and since then the polytechnic is known as Principal K. M. Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic, Ulhasnagar-3. The institution started receiving grants from Govt. of India and Govt. of Maharashtra from the year 1977. The institute is situated just opposite to Railway Station of Ulhasnagar in Thane district of Maharashtra. It is a small institution with intake capacity of 60 students, staff of 20 including 6 faculty members and total 120 students.
The institution conducts Diploma in Pharmacy course which is recognized by Pharmacy Council of India, AICTE and State Government and affiliated to MSBTE. The philosophy of the Institution is based on the Sanskrit Shloka as depicted by the institute logo set by our respected forefather“तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवयाउपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्त्वदर्शिनः”(Learn that by worshipping the feet of the teacher, by questioning and by service; the men of knowledge who have seen the true principles of things, will instruct thee in knowledge.) It is post HSC two years course for Diploma in Pharmacy with 3 months of training in Hospitals or Medical Stores. After completion of training, one can get registration as Registered Pharmacist with Maharashtra State Pharmacy Council and can practice pharmacy. This institute has full-fledged infrastructure and highly qualified teaching staff. The results are excellent every year with meritorious students at Board level. The faculty, administrative and non-teaching staff together with students makes “KMK FAMILY”. The institute received grant from AICTE under the MODROB scheme. Community Development through Polytechnic (CDTP) under HRD Ministry imparts free Vocational education under SKILL DEVELOPMENT to ADIVASIS and urban youth belonging to economically backward class to generate self-employment / employment in the rural and urban areas.
Excellent academic is the strength of the institute. The institute strives to produce competent pharmacists with ethical values to serve to the healthcare system. It also strives to act as “Agent of Change” to develop professional role of practicing pharmacist by way of continuing Education Programmes /Pharmacy Practice projects and to be leader in Community Pharmacy practice development in the country.
The institute’s high reputation and faculty’s consistent professional contribution has made institute visible in academic, professional, social circles as well as in media. The faculty is working with policy makers and regulators in different committees on educational/professional issues which impact the education and pharmacy practice. The institute serves as guiding institute to all new institutions as well as is consulted by different authorities regulating diploma education.
Sr. | Name | Year |
1 | Dr. G.C. Bhavsar | June 1971 to Feb 1972 |
2 | Dr. J.K. Lalla (I/C Principal) | March 1972 to June 1972 |
3 | Dr. R.R. Raje | July 1972 to March 1975 |
4 | Dr. J.K. Lalla | April 1975 to March 1995 |
5 | Dr. C.V. Achhra | April 1995 to Jan 2019 |